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sub网络加速器最新版 is an authorized, ad-free mirror of Eliezer Yudkowsky‘s epic Harry Potter fanfic, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (originally under the pen name Less Wrong). The story is complete now, so the rss feed for the story mirror won’t be updating any more, although any further Author’s Notes will continue to show up in that rss feed.

The canonical location of HP:MoR is currently at The author’s notes, sub网络加速器安卓, and other info sections have moved here, as has the book-style PDF project (see below for the link).

If you encounter any problems with this mirror, please contact [email protected]

web3.0是什- 爬墙专用加速器

  • Chapter 1: A Day of Very Low Probability
  • Chapter 2: Everything I Believe Is False
  • Chapter 3: Comparing Reality To Its Alternatives
  • Chapter 4: The Efficient Market Hypothesis
  • Chapter 5: The Fundamental Attribution Error
  • Chapter 6: The Planning Fallacy
  • Chapter 7: Reciprocation
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  • Chapter 9: Title Redacted, Part I
  • Chapter 10: Self Awareness, Part II
  • Chapter 11: Omake Files 1, 2, 3
  • Chapter 12: Impulse Control
  • Chapter 13: Asking the Wrong Questions
  • Chapter 14: The Unknown and the Unknowable
  • Chapter 15: Conscientiousness
  • Chapter 16: Lateral Thinking
  • 2021 Media Kit TimeOut 北京-杂志媒体数据-媒体资源网资讯频道:2021-5-8 · and Shanghai sub-magazines. 财讯传媒集团 SEEC MEDIA GROUP-----TimeOut 北京 2021 Media Kit TimeOut 全球首席城市生活杂志 The Leading City Life Magazine 《TimeOut》系列杂志1968年创刊于伦敦,至,至至 今已有43年历史,是
  • Chapter 18: Dominance Hierarchies
  • 5G芯片市场竞争进入关键时刻-中工财经-中工网:2021-2-28 · 英特尔把5G网络基础设施视为最大机遇,希望到2021年成为5G基站芯片的市场领导者,并在不断增长的业务中占有40%的份额,可谓雄心勃勃。 在日趋激烈的国际竞争中,我国国内5G芯片厂商已经在这一领域占据一席之地。
  • Chapter 20: Bayes's Theorem
  • Chapter 21: Rationalization
  • 观一展而知天下新车 2021日内瓦车展前瞻_新车_汽车频道 ...:2021-2-4 · 国际五大车展,论参展车型的数量和质量应众日内瓦车展居首,1月北美车厂余热还没消退,3月日内瓦又要来一大波。就目前的情况看,本届日内瓦的重磅新车依旧规模宏大,具体有多少,自己往下看看表就知道了。
  • Chapter 23: Belief in Belief
  • Chapter 24: Machiavellian Intelligence Hypothesis
  • Chapter 25: Hold Off on Proposing Solutions
  • Chapter 26: Noticing Confusion
  • Chapter 27: Empathy
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  • Chapter 29: Egocentric Bias
  • Chapter 30: Working in Groups, Pt 1
  • Chapter 31: Working in Groups, Pt 2
  • Chapter 32: Interlude: Personal Financial Management
  • Chapter 33: Coordination Problems, Pt 1
  • Chapter 34: Coordination Problems, Pt 2
  • Chapter 35: Coordination Problems, Pt 3
  • Chapter 36: Status Differentials
  • Chapter 37: Interlude: Crossing the Boundary
  • Chapter 38: The Cardinal Sin
  • Chapter 39: Pretending to be Wise, Pt 1
  • Chapter 40: Pretending to be Wise, Pt 2
  • Chapter 41: Frontal Override
  • Chapter 42: Courage
  • Chapter 43: Humanism, Pt 1
  • Chapter 44: Humanism, Pt 2
  • Chapter 45: Humanism, Pt 3
  • Chapter 46: Humanism, Pt 4
  • Chapter 47: Personhood Theory
  • Chapter 48: Utilitarian Priorities
  • Chapter 49: Prior Information
  • Chapter 50: Self Centeredness
  • Chapter 51: Title Redacted, Pt 1
  • Chapter 52: The Stanford Prison Experiment, Pt 2
  • Chapter 53: The Stanford Prison Experiment, Pt 3
  • Chapter 54: The Stanford Prison Experiment, Pt 4
  • 7 Papers & Radios | 谷歌等提出超越Adam的二阶梯度优化 ...:2021-3-1 · 原标题:7Papers&Radios|谷歌等提出超越Adam的二阶梯度优化;Hinton参与偏转对抗攻击新研究机器之心&ArXivWeeklyRadiostation参与:杜伟,楚航,罗若天本周的重要论文有谷歌大脑与普林斯顿大学等机构提出的超越Adam
  • Chapter 56: TSPE, Constrained Optimization, Pt 6
  • Chapter 57: TSPE, Constrained Cognition, Pt 7
  • Chapter 58: TSPE, Constrained Cognition, Pt 8
  • Chapter 59: TSPE, Curiosity, Pt 9
  • 华为5G CPE Pro 荣获中国电子信息博览会金奖-国际在线:2021-4-9 · 4月9日,在工信部和深圳市政府主办的中国电子信息博览会(CITE)上,华为5G CPE Pro斩获组委会颁布的最高奖项——中国电子信息博览会金奖! 据悉,该奖项经由两院院士等专家学者,根据申报单位 …
  • Chapter 61: TSPE, Secrecy and Openness, Pt 11
  • Chapter 62: The Stanford Prison Experiment, Final
  • Chapter 63: TSPE, Aftermaths
  • Chapter 64: Omake Files 4, Alternate Parallels
  • Chapter 65: Contagious Lies
  • Chapter 66: Self Actualization, Pt 1
  • “5G+折叠屏”燃爆 手机厂商MWC上各出新招_中国江苏网 ...:2021-2-28 · 当地时间2月25日,世界移动通信大会( MWC )在西班牙巴塞罗那开幕。华为、中兴、三星等手机厂商在会上展示了最新款的5G及折叠屏手机。媒体记者注意到, MWC期间,多家公司也携自家的折叠屏产品出现,誓与三星等比高。
  • 观一展而知天下新车 2021日内瓦车展前瞻_新车_汽车频道 ...:2021-2-4 · 国际五大车展,论参展车型的数量和质量应众日内瓦车展居首,1月北美车厂余热还没消退,3月日内瓦又要来一大波。就目前的情况看,本届日内瓦的重磅新车依旧规模宏大,具体有多少,自己往下看看表就知道了。
  • 观一展而知天下新车 2021日内瓦车展前瞻_新车_汽车频道 ...:2021-2-4 · 国际五大车展,论参展车型的数量和质量应众日内瓦车展居首,1月北美车厂余热还没消退,3月日内瓦又要来一大波。就目前的情况看,本届日内瓦的重磅新车依旧规模宏大,具体有多少,自己往下看看表就知道了。
  • 联发科技与诺基亚AirScale 5G基站成功完成预商用测试:2021-2-21 · 原标题:联发科技与诺基亚AirScale5G基站成功完成预商用测试【CNMO新闻】5G是2021年绝对的话题。就在5G网络预商用的这一年,各种有关5G网络的部署都在不断进行。日前,联发科技公开宣布,其5G调制解调器芯片HelioM70完成和诺基亚AirScale5G基站
  • Chapter 71: Self Actualization, Pt 6
  • Chapter 72: SA, Plausible Deniability, Pt 7
  • Chapter 73: SA, The Sacred and the Mundane, Pt 8
  • Chapter 74: SA, Escalation of Conflicts, Pt 9
  • Chapter 75: Self Actualization Final, Responsibility
  • Chapter 76: Interlude with the Confessor: Sunk Costs
  • Chapter 77: SA, Aftermaths: Surface Appearances
  • Chapter 78: Taboo Tradeoffs Prelude: Cheating
  • Chapter 79: Taboo Tradeoffs, Pt 1
  • Chapter 80: Taboo Tradeoffs, Pt 2, The Horns Effect
  • Chapter 81: Taboo Tradeoffs, Pt 3
  • Chapter 82: Taboo Tradeoffs, Final
  • Chapter 83: Taboo Tradeoffs, Aftermath 1
  • Chapter 84: Taboo Tradeoffs, Aftermath 2
  • Chapter 85: Taboo Tradeoffs, Aftermath 3, Distance
  • Chapter 86: Multiple Hypothesis Testing
  • Chapter 87: Hedonic Awareness
  • Chapter 88: Time Pressure, Pt 1
  • Chapter 89: Time Pressure, Pt 2
  • Chapter 90: Roles, Pt 1
  • Chapter 91: Roles, Pt 2
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  • Chapter 93: Roles, Pt 4
  • Chapter 94: Roles, Pt 5
  • Chapter 95: Roles, Pt 6
  • Chapter 96: Roles, Pt 7
  • Chapter 97: Roles, Pt 8
  • Chapter 98: Roles, Final
  • Chapter 99: Roles, Aftermath
  • Chapter 100: Precautionary Measures, Pt 1
  • Chapter 101: Precautionary Measures, Pt 2
  • Chapter 102: Caring
  • Chapter 103: Tests
  • Chapter 104: The Truth, Pt 1, Riddles and Answers
  • Chapter 105: The Truth, Pt 2
  • Chapter 106: The Truth, Pt 3
  • Chapter 107: The Truth, Pt 4
  • Chapter 108: The Truth, Pt 5, Answers and Riddles
  • Chapter 109: Reflections
  • Chapter 110: Reflections, Pt 2
  • Chapter 111: Failure, Pt 1
  • Chapter 112: Failure, Pt 2
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  • 去年四季度诺基亚业绩增长盈利提升 发展势头良好 ...:2021-2-14 · 诺基亚与高通宣布在毫米波与sub-6 GHz频段顺利完成5G NR 数据通话测试,进一步加速全球运营商网络实现5G部署。 诺基亚携手中国移动研究院联合发布业界首个具有定位功能的5G 室分融合组网创新方案,可满足大型繁忙建筑内的5G连接需求,并降低运营商的部署成本。
  • 抢火车票用加速包不一定靠谱 可试"候补购票"服务-广西新闻网:2021-1-7 · 抢火车票使用加速包不一定靠谱 今年购票还可尝试新上线的“候补购票”服务 本报记者 黎兆齐 实习生 殷格格 昨日,网络平台开始发售除夕火车票 ...
  • Chapter 116: Aftermath, Something to Protect, Pt 0
  • Chapter 117: Something to Protect: Minerva McGonagall
  • Chapter 118: Something to Protect: Professor Quirrell
  • Chapter 119: Something to Protect: Albus Dumbledore
  • Chapter 120: Something to Protect: Draco Malfoy
  • Chapter 121: Something to Protect: Severus Snape
  • Chapter 122: Something to Protect: Hermione Granger